Q: What is the ICTF?
A: The Intermodal Container Transfer Facility (ICTF) is a near dock rail yard located approximately five miles from the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach near the northern end of the Terminal Island freeway. Within the ICTF, import cargo destined for the interior of the country is transferred from trucks to rail cars. Likewise, containers destined for export through the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are transferred from trains to trucks within the Facility. Construction of the Facility was completed in 1986 at a cost of over 55 million dollars.
Q: Who operates the ICTF?
A: The ICTF is operated by Union Pacific Railroad, via a sublease from the ICTF Joint Powers Authority (JPA). As a condition of the lease, Union Pacific pays a fee to the JPA for every container handled in the ICTF.
Q: What is the relationship between the ICTF JPA and the San Pedro Bay ports?
A: The San Pedro Bay Ports (the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach) are separate from the ICTF Joint Powers Authority (JPA). The ICTF JPA was created as a distinct governmental entity in 1983 to oversee the construction and operation of the ICTF. As such the JPA is not part of either the City of Los Angeles or the City of Long Beach. Although they are distinct organizations, the JPA and the Ports work closely together on issues related to the ICTF. The JPA is governed by a four member board made up of two representatives from each port.
Q: Why has Union Pacific proposed a Modernization Project?
A: Union Pacific has proposed the Modernization Project to address both the need for additional rail capacity at the San Pedro Bay Ports and the need to reduce the environmental impacts of goods movement in the region. The proposed Modernization Project would improve the efficiency and throughput capacity of the ICTF. The project would also include environmental improvements to help reduce air emissions from locomotives and cargo handling equipment at the ICTF.
Q: Has the ICTF Modernization Project been approved?
A: No. The JPA has reviewed the Application for Development Permit (ADP) submitted by Union Pacific Railroad and determined that it is complete. Subsequently the JPA Governing Board has directed Staff to prepare an Environmental Impact Report to identify the impacts of, and alternatives to, the proposed Project. Once the EIR is complete, the JPA Board will be in a position to make a more informed decision about whether or not to move forward with the Project.
Q: Who will be preparing the EIR for the Modernization Project?
A: The JPA has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Under the MOA the SCAQMD will assist the JPA in analyzing the proposed Project and project alternatives and preparing the EIR. The JPA retains the decision making authority as the lead agency under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Q: What is the community's role in the decision making process?
A: The community is encouraged to share their thoughts and comments regarding the proposed Modernization Project. CEQA provides several planned opportunities for the public to provide comment on the Project. The JPA is currently preparing an Initial Study (IS) to identify the likely impacts of the proposed Project and determine the areas that will be further analyzed in the EIR. Once completed, the IS will be circulated to the public and a public scoping meeting will be held. The JPA will use the comments received on the IS and at the scoping meeting when preparing the draft EIR. Once the draft EIR is completed it will be made available for public review and comment. In addition to the meetings and reviews mandated by CEQA, the JPA is available to provide information and receive comments at any time. Questions and comments may be directed to Cassi La Morte at 562.846.4703 or by e-mail at info@ictf-jpa.org.
Q: How can I get more information?
A: Additional information can be found at the ICTF JPA website www.ictf-jpa.org. Alternatively, questions may be submitted to Cassi La Morte at 562.846.4703 or by e-mail at info@ictf-jpa.org.